Adored blog followers (1 of you, as far as I can see),
It's May already. Time has really flown by, and so have many deadlines for my small project. From a seven song mini-album that would've been a part of my senior showcase in December being brought back to March, and from the idea of a concept album in February to be released in May, to now, where I'm pushing it back to late June, perhaps early July, this project has had to be in the backseat for so long. I've been writing, neglecting my room, juggling schoolwork with Neighborhood 3, and moving from venue to venue with my guitar and keyboard. All the while recording and vlogging had to slip away from me, always another day. With 2 more days of Physics, the freshman showcase getting postponed, and the 4th and final marking period dragging on. I still have things to do, people to impress, internships to complete, contests to rock. I've been making what I can out of the music New Jersey has to offer, and I'm not stopping.
I'm moving. To Ohio. I'll be taking playwriting at Ohio University. I've fought my hardest in the Battle of the Bands (both of them), and I've been writing new songs, I've learned two new instruments then when I first decided to be a musician, I've had sound designing opportunities. This has been a very busy year, and I'm not even slowing down yet.
I've started going all out on recording "The Library." I have some work done on 2 songs, "Ocean of Fear" and "Like the Four Left Behind." Things are progressing, and I'm going to shoot for June 14th as a release date, though it probably will be set back.
The irony of writing out this expansive blog to only one visible follower is really something, huh? Especially since said one follower is in fact my mother. Hi Mom. I'm still trying to be a rockstar.
So anyways, my New Jersey Tour(ish) is coming to a close. I have 2 shows lined up, one in fact in New York City, and the other at the Court Tavern in New Brunswick, kind of where I first started playing music. I'm planning on having a Summer Blast show, a backyard show at a friends house. No prices on tickets, just come out and have fun. I'll have more details when we can set this up.
Thanks for listening to my ranting. More details are at my wonderful website:
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